Our Curriculum Website:
At Westerings Primary Academy our Curriculum offer is aspirational, inspirational and inclusive... remarkably so!
As an AET academy, our mission is pure and simple: to enable our pupils to lead remarkable lives. Excellence in every classroom for every child, every day. This is the golden thread that binds us, and all AET pupils (33,000 pupils nationally) together!
Explore this curriculum microsite, and in doing so, the exceptional curriculum offer in place at our remarkable Academy. For all other school-related information, please head to our main website - www.westerings.org
Mr A. Stainsbury, Headteacher
Our Vision and Values
At Westerings Primary Academy we want each and every child inspired to choose a Remarkable Life.
To inspire our inquisitive children to be creative, determined and resilient, whilst embracing and
enabling their individual ambitions.