Good morning!
A really fun week for us: building the paper mache for our Egyptian masks, following instructions for making rice krispie cakes, conductiong more magnet experiements and lots more!
Well done to all star readers this week. I can see more and more children reading for 4 or more times each week. Please make sure all home reads are recorded on Boom Reader.
Your doodle assignment this week is Doodle maths. Please make sure you complete as well as your five a day!
The children have started the mastery zone on spelling shed this week and it would be great to keep this up where you can. This is a fantastic part of the programme, which tailors your child's spelling needs and will give them spellings at their own particular level to practise using lots of fun games.
Please note it is year 3's Wild West session on Tuesday 7th May, when we are back from the bank holiday weekend.
Please ensure the children have appropriate footwear to wear for outside and warm, old waterproof clothing. They must remember to bring in their PE kit to change into afterwards and a plastic bag for their muddy boots too.
Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend!
The year 3 team :)