Hi everyone! We have begun another half term and are now over half way through the academic year! This half term is due to be another busy and exciting one so here are a couple of things we have coming up:
1. Our Wild West slot for this half term is on Tuesday 5th March. As always, please ensure your child is sent in wearing appropriate clothing and has spare clothes to get changed into after their session.
2. We have Parent Consultations coming up on Tuesday 12th March. Miss Dee and I would love to see all of you there to discuss the incredible progress we have seen this year, as well as any next steps we will be working on as we approach the Summer term.
3. World Book Day is coming up on Thursday 7th March. The Year 4 team are extremely excited to celebrate some amazing stories throughout the day. Please make sure your child comes in with a book to share during the day (linked to their costume if possible!)
Thank you everyone!