Happy New Year and welcome back to the Spring Term. The children have had a lovely but hardworking first week back. We are beginning to learn about Fractions and Setting Descriptions. Our new history unit teaches us about the Mayans and we are learning how to create collages in art.
Reminders for next week:
Monday - PE (Volleyball and Tag Rugby - be prepared for the cold)
Tuesday - Girl's Football Match by invite only.
Wednesday - A visit from our interim regional director Mr Atter.
Thursday - Mrs Woods' and Miss Jackson's writing group - invite only. Girl's netball match - invite only. Dance Festival Practise at lunch - invite only.
Spellings - test on 17.1.24:
Words with silent first letters - knife, knight, knowledge, knuckle, mnemonic, pterodactyl, wreath, wreckage, wrestler, writer.
Doodle English - Paragraphs
Doodle Maths - Find the volume of a solid in cm³
Reading - 4x a week with an adult and logged on Boomreader