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CEW and Maths Quiz


Good afternoon,

Today your child brought home their recent quizzes. These include a maths quiz and a common exception word assessment sheet. Please see below:

Common exception words

These are the words your child need to be able to read and spell by the end of year 1. The R stands for read. The W stands for write (spell). The ticks indicate if your child can successfully read or spell the word. The dot indicates that this is a word they need to practise reading or spelling.

Maths quiz

The maths quiz includes addition and subtraction calculations which we have been learning over the past term. By the end of year 1 children should be able to add and subtract a 2 digit number and a 1 digit number within 20. Please see your child's final score on the sheet.

Your support at home with the above areas is hugely appreciated in advance.

The year 1 team


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