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POSTPONED - Local Area walk/Teddy bear picnic


Good afternoon all,

Due to the weather forecast stating rain all day tomorrow, we are going to need to postpone our local area walk and teddy bear picnic.

We are planning to move this to Friday 4th October as the forecast looks clearer.

If you were a parent helper for this, we would extremely appreciate your help on Friday instead if possible. Any new volunteers are also very much welcome and appreciated! Please can you confirm whether you are available to help via

(If you were confirmed before, please confirm again that you can do this new date)

On Friday, children are to wear their school uniform as normal but are encouraged to bring in trainers or comfortable walking shoes to change into for the walk. They may also bring in their teddy bear for our teddy bear picnic in the afternoon, as well as a snack/treat pot to enjoy.

We will of course keep you informed if any of the above changes.

Thank you so much,

Miss Stryczek & Miss Bater


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