The year 3 children will be swimming next week.
Every day please ensure your child:
-is wearing their PE kit and has a swimming bag containing their swimming costume, towel and swimming hat.
Snowdrops are swimming in the morning, so they may wear their costumes under their kits if they wish, just remember to pack underwear for after!
Bluebells are swimming in the afternoon each day, so we are requesting that all pupils are packed lunch for the week. If any children who are eligible for free school meals, would like a school packed lunch made then please let me know ASAP.
Well done to all our star readers this week and completing all your doodle assignments. This week your homework assignment is on doodlemaths. Your dojos are soon to be converted to nut notes for the shop, so every one you earn counts!
Have a great weekend.
The year 3 team.