Good afternoon,
A very busy first week back. The children absolutely loved the STEM fair this week, getting to take part in exciting Science and engineering activities.
We are enjoying our myths and legends topic in English and are starting to gather ideas for our own Egyptian Myth.
Well done to all the children that took part in this week's Cross country event. We are very proud of you!
The children have new spelling this week, and these will be linked to Spelling shed activities so they can practise,
Keep up with your daily reading and also learning your times tables.
Next week the children will be completing a multiplication check on Times table Rockstars in order for us to gauge how well they are progressing with their recall. Please spend some time on TTRS practising a few sound checks and using the other games on this platform in order to feel prepared. We of course will continue to practise in school.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
The year three team.