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Friday update


Good morning! The children have been working extremely hard this week and settling well into new routines and our year 3 expectations. They loved the stone age workshop day, learning lots and making fun memories! All their costumes were fantastic!

Please remember to record your children's reads onto boomreader. The children recieve 4 dojos for being star readers each week. We always emphasise with the children how reading is so important and this needs to be their number one homework before anything else,

Doodle homework has been set on doodle Maths this week. Well done to everyone who completed the last one and are also in the green zone- superstars!

This week's spellings are as follows: system, synonym, gym, Egypt, myth, lyrics, symbol, pyramid, mystery and gymnastics. These are stuck in their spelling journal. Please remember to bring their spelling journal in to class each Friday for their test.- thank you. Remember the children can practise these also by logging onto spelling shed and playing the games.

Next Thursday is school photograph day as well as year 3 wild west day. Please remember that the children must come into school in their school uniform then after their photographs have been taken first thing, they will be changing into their wild west clothing. Please remember to bring in suitable weather- proof clothing and footwear. They will also need their PE kit to change into after if they are wet or muddy.

Thank you all for your support.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Year 3


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