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Merry Christmas!

Miss Jackson

Good afternoon Year 5!

We have finally made it to the end of the year! We are so proud of the children and what they have achieved, what an exciting term we have had! This week your child has come home with their half termly arithmetic test. We would really appreciate it if you could continue to practise questions they made mistakes on as we have gone through these on a 1:1 basis this week. We have decided to not set homework over the Christmas holidays, but please practise their spellings and continue to read at home. In PSHE, the children wrote Christmas wishes to the residents at Hockley and Hawkwell Day Centre, this week we received a letter and Christmas card from one of the residents who used to work at Westerings!

Letter from Hockley and Hawkwell Day Centre

Card from Doreen at Hockley and Hawkwell Day Centre

Spellings to practise over the Christmas holidays are words with suffixes where base word ends in ‘-fer’:











First week back reminders:

Monday - INSET no children in school

Tuesday - Back to school!

Wednesday - Learning plan meetings (selected children only please check your email and confirm attendance), Year 5/6 football match (selected children only)

Thursday - Mrs Woods and Miss Jackson writing intervention group (invite only starting at 8:10 am in Willows classroom, come in via the school office)

Friday - Spelling test

*No PE first week back, as PE will continue to be on Monday mornings.

Have a lovely Christmas and we will see you in the new year! Miss Jackson and Mrs Woods


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