Good morning,
Please arrive at school for 8:10am on Friday so that we can register and get childrenready to leave on the coach. We are walking to get on the coach at The British Legion for 8:30am, so please be on time.
The children will need :
-a packed lunch and drinks for the day.
- to be dressed in warm, old clothes suitable for outdoor activities.
- a warm/ waterproof coat in case it rains.
- welly boots/old boots to change into when we are there.
- a carrier bag, so that they can place their muddy boots into it after on the way home.
-spare trousers/leggings in case they get wet or muddy.
We aim to be back at school for 3:20pm, however if traffic delays us , we will let everyone know asap through dojo/ our school app.
Many thanks
The year 3 team.