Dear parent and carers,
What a wonderful first week your children have had! From all of us in the Year 6 team, we must congratulate the new Year 6 cohort for setting such a mature standard and determined effort in their work and actions already. Attendance has also been exceptional in Year 6, which is a pleasing trend to see. Please see below for pertinent news for next week:
New spellings have been sent home for next Friday, copies are in students’ Spelling Records
Your children’s first SATs Companion homework has been set, due next Friday. One Maths task, one English task – logins are glued into the front of students’ Spelling Records.
English and Maths SATs revision guides are being sent home today and early next week, please see the letter attached for more information about this. We will also be sending home a copy of the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 statutory spelling lists, and writing framework statements early next week.
Attached are the slides from yesterday’s Year 6 Parent Orientation, for those of you unable to attend and those that would like to be able to look back over them at any point.
Student council presentations for Chestnuts and Oaks are being held on Tuesday 10th September. Any children interested should prepare a short talk/presentation (which can be sent to class teachers via the school office) to the class on what would make them a good school councillor.
Bank of Westerings primary pathway roles are still open for application currently, closing early next week! Applications can be made via the Westerings+ App
On Thursday 12th September, Mr Bird will be running football trials for the boys’ football team. This will take place at lunch time and will help with selection for upcoming matches and tournaments. If your child wants to try out, please send them in with their football boots and shin pads.
Wishing you a pleasant weekend,
Mr Wade & Mr Bird