Good afternoon and welcome to the new academic year. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday morning. We have high expectations of uniform and attendance for our year group. We cannot wait to see how smart you look on your first day back to school. Girls, a reminder for earrings which must be studs only and removed on PE days please. Also, at Westerings, we do not allow make-up so please ensure you save this for the Halloween disco!
Over this term we start bikeability, road safety, Vikings and Climate Change. Mr Stainsbury has been working hard on our BMX track so the bikeability should help you keep safe and be superb riders!
This Friday, there will be a spelling test to ensure we manage to fit in all the rules for the year that we need to learn. Your first set of spellings are words ending in ‘-tious’ and ‘-ious’: ambitious, amphibious, curious, devious, fictitious, infectious, notorious, nutritious, repetitious, obvious. Please learn these this week ready for Friday. On spelling shed there are activities which will help you.
Our PE day is looking like a Monday but we will confirm this later on this week once the timetable has been released. We have our planning time on a Thursday, when Mr Towler, Mrs Galer and Mrs Grant will teach our classes. We also have the opportunity to run interventions whilst on our leadership time so this gives us a chance to support you further on a small group or one to one basis.
We do expect reading with an adult 4x a week and logged onto Boomreader please. There will also be doodle English and Maths assignments for your homework. These tasks will pre-teach or over-teach our objectives.
A google form regarding walking home has been posted on Dojo so please fill this in ASAP so we know what will be happening Tuesday after school.
This is also a reminder to fill in any pupil pathway jobs you might want to represent the school with this year.
We know the beginning of the year can be overwhelming for all of us so please come and talk to us if you need any questions answered. Emails will be responded to within 48 hours (as please bare in mind we are also teaching!)
Have an awesome couple of days and we will see you Tuesday!
Mrs Woods, Miss Jackson and Mrs Grant.