Hi everyone! Just a message to keep you posted with what has been going on in Year 4 this week!
Maths: The children have begin a new unit on telling the time. We have started by studying analogue clocks, recording the time to the nearest 5 minute, as well as recapping skills such as "past" and "to". We will continue to look at time next week. English: We are working towards writing persuasive speeches in English lessons currently. To make our writing as persuasive as possible, we have been studying the use of modal verbs and applied them to a letter about our countries use of fossil fuels.
Reading: In our reading lessons, we have been reading the book "The Anglo Saxon Boy" which links nicely with our History Unit.
Curriculum: Outside of our core subjects, work as continued on "Westerings: The Musical". Children have been rehearsing the songs (which now sound fantastic) as well as choreographing routines for when they are on stage. In History, we studied how the Anglo-Saxons have influenced our local area, looking at events such as the Battle Of Ashingdon and the creation of the kingdom of Essex. In Art, we continue to work on Batik, as the children begin to plan the designs they will use for their final piece. Spellings for next week: realistic reality solution real soluble unreal insoluble dissolve solve realisation
Stars Of The Week: Ivy Class - Sydney Clover Class - William B
As always, we are continuing to work on the following things: TTRS, Spelling Shed, Boom Reader and Doodle. Support from you at home with these tasks is always massively appreciated! Have a lovely BANK HOLIDAY weekend!