Good evening Year 5!
We have had a great first week back at school; learning the gruesome tale of Beowulf and Grendel, began reading Viking Boy, recapped place value, discussed Humanism, understood where the Vikings came from and where they settled, recapped greetings in Spanish and proved that the Earth is not flat! What a week!
Reminders for next week:
- PE is on Mondays first thing - please remember earrings are not allowed or taped
- Student council elections are on Wednesday - please ensure your child is ready to pitch themselves if they would like to run for student council this year. Votes will be decided in class on the day.
- Pupil pathways applications have now closed, the teachers will inform the children if they have the position or invite them for a short interview.
Homework this week will be to complete the baseline on Doodle. It is important this is completed just by your child and you do not support them. The results from this will inform teacher planning and future interventions. All logins will be sent home tomorrow.
Spellings for next week end in '-cious':
gracious, conscious, delicious, precious, ferocious, malicious, luscious, suspicious, spacious, atrocious
We will have a reading raffle at the end of each term, where one child from each class will win a book and a non-uniform pass. To take part in this, children must have reading logged on Boom Reader four times a week with an adult. Please check you are using a parent account to log entries and not your child!
We will be giving dojo's for spelling tests, if they achieve 10/10 or improve their score from the previous week. For future homework, we will set on Doodle and dojos will be awarded for completion. Whilst the school does not give sanctions, we carefully choose the homework based on learning that is completed that week or to pre-teach new skills.
The first Bikeability group begins on the 16th so we will inform the first 10 children next week. Bikes need to be in a roadworthy condition with a helmet. The rest of the children will be completing their groups in December.
A reminder to pay for Viking Day on ParentPay if you haven't already! Costumes are optional.
Have a lovely weekend!
Year 5 Team