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C Wade

Year 6 Weekly Update (11/10/24)

Dear parents and carers,

Here is your weekly update for next week, which is both the final week of the half term and our first Mock SATs week.

Spellings for this week are:

  • ancient

  • cemetery

  • criticise

  • equipped

  • government

  • leisure

  • opportunity

  • recognise

  • sincerely

  • variety

The WPSA Halloween Disco is occuring on next Thursday 17th October, in the Junior Hall.

For those of you who were unable to attend the Year 6 Parents' Orientation in Week 1 this year, or as a reminder, please see below for some details of our Mock SATs week next week, which is structured to reflect the real SATs week timetable and expectations:

Monday - Spelling paper, Grammar & Punctuation paper

Tuesday - Reading paper

Wednesday - Maths Arithmetic paper, Maths Reasoning 1 paper

Thursday - Maths Reasoning 2 paper

  • The week tests will all be completed by break time each day, with lessons as normal after this (so, PE still on Thursday as usual).

  • While nerves are to be expected, especially for our first mocks, the intention of these is for children to become 'prepared not scared' for the real thing next summer.

  • These tests attempt to check children's understanding of the whole of the KS2 curriculum, including Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 content.

  • Children do not need to achieve full marks to meet age related expectations - the minimum marks the government set to achieve end of KS2 age related expectations varies each year, but is generally around 65%.

  • With it not being the end of the year yet, there will be content that children have not covered, practised or embedded yet - this is normal for this time of year!

  • The scores of the tests will be shared with children after the half term holidays, and with you parents at our upcoming parent consultations.

Wishing you a pleasant weekend,

Mr Wade & Mr Bird


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