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Year 6 Weekly Update (20.9.24)


Good morning everyone and happy Friday! Another week has been and gone in Year 6 and some more excellent learning has taken place! Below are some highlights and some reminders for the week ahead. Firstly, Mr Wade and I want to say how impressed we have been with the rise in completed homework and daily reads across the year group. Well done to the 85% of you who completed your homework! If you are having issues with logging into SATs Companion then please let us know - we are working on the issue with the SATs Companion videos currently. Next week, we have our Wild West Slot on Wednesday 25th September. Please ensure your child comes in wearing appropriate clothing for the day AS WELL AS their PE kit to get changed into after - more to come about this below... We are still looking for a couple of parent volunteers to make this day a huge success and put on multiple amazing activities for the kids to join in with. If you fancy helping out, please let Mr Wade or I know as soon as possible.

On Thursday 26th September, it is school photo day. This is usually our PE day but we will be doing our PE lesson on Wednesday instead so that your child can look their best for their FINAL photo at Westerings!


  • achieve

  • bargain

  • controversy

  • disastrous

  • foreign

  • interfere

  • nuisance

  • programme

  • secretary

  • temperature

Well done on another great week Year 6. Good luck to those of you sitting your 11+! Mr Bird & Mr Wade


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