Dear parents and carers,
It seems only yesterday the year started, yet we're already into October! With two weeks left of this half term, here is your update for next week.
Spellings for this week are:
Boys football tournament at Deanes is occuring on Wednesday 9th October.
Homework is looking good, but could look even better, across the year - with highs of 87% of children completing their SATs Companion homework, and an average of 3.5 parent signed reads on Boom Reader so far this year. If you need support in accessing the homework platforms, please do get in touch with the Year 6 team - we would be more than happy to help and push towards 100%!
A final note for week beginning Monday 14th October (last week before half term), we will be holding our first of three mock SATs weeks. Children will undertake a full suite of mock SATs, to help prepare and get them used to the format of each. The results will be shared with them after the half term holidays, and you at parent consultations where we can look at next steps and areas to focus on.
Kind regards,
Mr Wade & Mr Bird