What a week! some fantastic learning going on this week. The children have been continuing adding 1, 10 and 100 to 3 digit numbers in Maths,; learning to use inverted commas in English and creating effects with frottage and collage to create London cityscapes in Art. WIld West was a big hit too!
Today new spellings have been stuck into their books. These are: measure, treasure, leisure, disclosure, exposure, pleasure, closure, pressure, composure, enclosure.
This week's doodle assignment is on Doodle English. please complete and keep up in the green zone to recieve your 4 dojos1
Boom reader reminders have been given out. Please make sure you have a parent account so that your reads with your child are being recorded. Try and aim for 4 reads a week to be a star reader.
This half term we are revising the 2's, 5's and 10 times tables. Please practise these at home using TTRS or timestables.co.uk They need to know them off by heart.
Have a lovely weekend,
The year 3 team. :)