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Friday update!

Our first week in year three has been brilliant! The children have settled well and working hard already.

Today the children will come home with their spelling journals. Inside the front covers are all the log ins and passwords that the children will need to get on to their learning platforms such as TTRS, Doodle, and Boom reader.

Thier first set of spellings are stuck in for them and they will be tested on these next Friday. Please remember to bring their spelling journals in each Friday.

The children should be reading with an adult at least four times a week and recording on the boom reader app. They will be rewarded each week with dojos each and have a chance to be in the reading raffle and a chance to win a book to keep.

The children have their doodle passwords and log ins and will need to try and complete their five a day in English and Maths. Each week we will set an assignment to complete. This week it is on doodlemaths. The children will recieve two dojos for completing this and also two dojos if they keep in the green zone.

PE is on Tuesdays so please remember to come in wearing your kit, no earrings in please.

Many thanks for all your support.

Have a wonderful weekend.

The year three team.


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