Hi everyone!
With the end of the year fast approaching, we put our minds towards the last few weeks of the school year. Here is what we have coming up:
Monday 15th July: Sports Day (am) & Year 6 Dress Rehearsal (pm)
Tuesday 16th July: DT day - creating night lights
Wednesday 17th July: Transition afternoon with new teacher & final parent pop-in (a chance for parents to go see their child's new classroom and teacher, as well as seeing all the amazing work we have done in Year 4 this year!)
Monday 22nd July: Music Day
Tuesday 23rd July: Awards Ceremony (am) & taking home of school books
Wednesday 24th July: End of year EXTRAVAGANZA!!!
A few things to note about these upcoming dates:
Tuesday 23rd July: please send your child in with some heavy duty bags to take home books and other items from the year. We have gone through A LOT of books so a couple of bags would be great!
Wednesday 24th July: instead of spending money on little gifts for the children like rubbers, pencils, sweets etc, as a class the children voted that instead, they would like the adults to host a huge end of year celebration. We will be hosting a morning on the field where we will have a picnic, games and A WATER FIGHT!!! For the day, please can you send your child in in their PE kit, with their uniforms to get changed into after the morning. Also, if you want to bring in any food for the event for the children to share, it would be hugely appreciated!
I hope this all makes sense; any questions or queries then as always, ask either Miss Dee or myself!