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Year 6 Weekly Review (27.9.24)


A wet and windy end to another wonderful week in Year 6! Wild West, exciting writing and Chuck The Chicken (?!) to review this week:

On Wednesday, the children partook in a fantastic Wild West Session! In the morning, the children became STRANDED on a desert island and had to complete a variety of challenges in order to escape. Team work, resilience and creative thinking was all exemplified by the children, who worked incredibly hard and had lots of fun along the way.

In the afternoon we had our PE lesson where we played the game Chuck The Chicken! Despite a head coming off of one of our chickens... the game again highlighted some superb teamwork and drive to win from our year group.

In English, we are beginning to write up our brilliant hot task pieces of writing about the video clip "The Piano". The children have been utilising a plethora of language features, including: colons, semi-colons, relative clauses and subordinate clauses. We can't wait to share these with you at our first parent pop-in! Coming up next week: - Boy's football matches on Monday 30th September & Thursday 3rd October - Parent Pop In on Monday 30th September - We celebrate Black History month in our Resilient Reader lessons

Spellings This Week:











Have a lovely weekend! Mr Bird & Mr Wade


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